Castleville A Tale Of Two Alastairs Quests Guide

Castleville A Tale Of Two Alastairs Quests

Another Alastair has manifested inside his head in Castleville A Tale of Two Alastair Quests. Help Giovanni in this 5 part Castleville Quests to cure Alastair with his dilemma. We will be needing some Temper Trap Spell in this quests so better prepare ahead the materials that we will be needing to make this.


Quests 1: Castleville A Friend in Distress

[alert style=”white”]Before we head to see what’s up with Alastair, we ought to be prepared. Just in case.[/alert]


Collect 5 Wood Logs

Tax 5 Houses

Buy 4 Fences


50 exp, 2500 coins


Quests 2: Castleville The Other Alastair

[alert style=”white”]I think we ought to chain him up. Well, at least contemplate doing so.[/alert]


Have 2 Cookies

Tend 4 Flower

Craft 3 Ropes


50 exp, 2500 coins


Quests 3: Castleville Years of Repression

[alert style=”white”]Oh no! It seems like a persona of Alastair’s former repressed self has manifested within his head![/alert]


Have 2 Mythril Chain Links

Have 3 Pails of Water

Craft 3 Spaghetti


50 exp, 2500 coins


Quests 4: Castleville Trapping The Temper

[alert style=”white”]You heard the man. Let’s craft that Temper Trap Spell.0[/alert]


Banish 3 Gloom Rats

Craft 2 Horseshoes

Craft 1 Temper Trap Spell


65 exp, 3250 coins


Quests 5: Castleville Two Heads Aren’t Always Better Than One

[alert style=”white”]Let’s cast the Temper Trap Spell on Alastair, as per his own instructions.[/alert]


Cast the Temper Trap Spell on Alastair

  • You can find the Temper Trap Spell in the Spellbook

Go to Alastair’s House

  • Click on Alastair’s House to go to it

Craft 4 Strawberry Tarts


65 exp, 3250 coins

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