Check out the new Castleville A Trick for a Treat Quests that will start this week. We have prepare this guide to help you pass through it by showing you the different stages it will have. The mission will have 5 stage and involves some crafting and gathering materials.
Quests 1: Castleville I Like It When A Plan Comes Together
Have 3 Candy Bags. We can cut up the last one to make two masks!
Gather 4 Pails of Water. We will get thirsty on the way.
Gather 2 Wool. It gets cold when it’s dark.
40 exp 2000 coins
Quests 2: Castleville Baked with Pumpkin and Niceness
Craft 2 Pumpkin Filling. My most favorite part of this season, apart from sweets, of course!
Craft 2 Corn Flour Base for the Pumpkin Cake. Our neighbors are going to love this!
Craft 1 Cake. We’ll be so nice to our neighbors, they’ll HAVE to give us more candy!
40 exp 2000 coins
Quests 3: Castleville The Gloombringer Cinch
Harvest 4 Pumpkins. Let’s carve!
Craft 2 Gloom O’ Lanterns. Let me show you the ugly creature’s face.
Craft 3 Knives so I can carve a face into this pumpkin.
40 exp 2000 coins
Quests 4: Castleville Scary Stories Give Me the Creeps
Craft 3 Candles. It was dark, and the battle wasn’t easy.
Place 2 Benches. You want to sit down to hear the rest.
Craft 2 Steel Swords. He was strong, but we were persistent. We pressed the attack on for days.
40 exp 2000 coins
Quests 5: Castleville The Last Treat
Craft 2 Trick or Treat Carts. Get ready to pull this, people.
Craft 4 Chocolate Bars. Here, Baz. One of these is for you.
Tax 1 House. This is the last one!
40 exp 2000 coins