Castleville Clingy Creepy Vines Quests Guide

Build a Vineyard in the next Castleville Quests: Clingy Creepy Vines. This new quests will feature the Vineyard on which once placed players can harvest grapes from it every 5 minutes. There are a total of 8 stage to complete and players will gonna need to collect and prepare the materials for the crafting tasks.


Quests 1: Castleville The Grape Badsby

[alert style=”white”]You can also use the grapes for money, which is, of course, a necessary evil of this realm![/alert]


Place the Vineyard in your Kingdom

Earn 200 Coins

Tax 5 Houses


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 2: Castleville Making of the Vines

[alert style=”white”]Collect, collect, collect… This is going to be a long day if you don’t start on your assignment right away![/alert]


Have 3 Mystical Vial

Craft 2 Vine Repellents

Cast the Extricate Spell 5 times


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 3: Castleville You gotta work, Witch!

[alert style=”white”]You might be an ace at spell-casting, but here is a secret – Fighting the Grimms means hard work![/alert]


Get rid of 5 Gloom Vines

Tax 5 Houses or Buildings

Craft the Extricate Spell 8 times


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 4: Castleville Banishus Maximus

[alert style=”white”]The Duke is furious! As he should be, Faugrimm has attacked our Kingdom one too many times now.[/alert]


Craft the Banishus Maximus Spell 3 times

Banish 3 Beasties

Craft 2 Steel Swords


50 exp, 2500 coins


Quests 5: Castleville Cautious Dukey

[alert style=”white”]Collect, tend and keep the Duke happy. He’s a cautious one.[/alert]


Have 50000 Coins

Have 20 Wood Logs

Have 20 Stones


50 exp, 2500 coins


Quests 6: Castleville Intricate Spellwork

[alert style=”white”]The folks in thie kingdom need to keep their spirits up. And who better to help them, than you?[/alert]


Craft the Extricate Spell 10 times

Extricate 10 Buildings from Gloom Vines

Tax 10 Buildings


65 exp, 3250 coins


Quests 7: Castleville Work and Rest

[alert style=”white”]I know I insisted on hard work, but don’t work yourself into the ground! Rest up a little bit too, yeah?[/alert]


Craft 6 Vine Repellents

Craft 3 Cupcakes

Craft 3 Bubbly Grogs


65 exp, 3250 coins


Quests 8: Castleville Gone forever

[alert style=”white”]I have so much respect for Mia, putting up with that man! Anyway, the faster we get rid of those Vines, the faster we can move on.[/alert]


Craft the Extricate Spell 15 times

Clear 15 Gloom Vines

Tax 10 Buildings


Armor of Protection Set, 65 exp, 3250 coins

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