Castleville Doran Doran Quests Guide

Doran Doran Quests

A mysterious lightning hit your kingdom in Castleville Doran Doran Quests. Help Alastair who was blinded by thios light in discovering who is responsible with it. This latest Castleville Quests is expected to be release this week and will have 5 stages.


Quests 1: Castleville Flash of Lightning

[alert style=”white”]What was that lightning? I can hardly see anything, everything is hazy! Help![/alert]


Have 2 Talismans of Protection to keep us safe. Lightning strikes out of nowhere?!

Collect 3 Pails of Water for us to wash our faces. Maybe something got in our eyes?

Clear 3 Grass to find the source of that flash of light. What could it be?!


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 2: Castleville Meet Doran

[alert style=”white”]We must welcome him to the Kingdom. Where are our manners?[/alert]


Plant 10 Coffee Beans in your Kingdom. Coffee is always a good measure of someone’s trustworthiness.

Craft 2 Bubbly Grogs to offer to Doran.

Craft 2 Cupcakes to make Doran feel welcome.


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 3: Castleville Stranger Danger

[alert style=”white”]I don’t know, strangers aren’t to be trusted easily. Haven’t we learnt from our mistakes?! I have some ideas.[/alert]


Craft 4 Cups of Coffee to test if he’s trustworthy. Coffee is my measure. As it should be. For everyone.

Craft 2 Parchments. In case you need to send out a notice to the folk of the Kingdom. About a stranger.

Craft 2 Bottles of Ink to go along with that Parchment.


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 4: Castleville Attack of the Beasties

[alert style=”white”]Banishus Extremis?! Gets rid of ALL beasties at once? Useful!![/alert]


Cast the Banishus Extremis Spell once, and watch the magic!

Craft 2 Cloth Bandages, in case someone got hurt in the fray.

Craft 2 Herbal Salves to go along with those Bandages.


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 5: Castleville Story time

[alert style=”white”]There is, indeed, much to learn! And much to be thankful for![/alert]


Cast the Banishus Extremis Spell one more time, to take care of that second wave.

Cast the Teleportation Spell once, to show off to Doran. We know magic too!

Also, cast the Fire Flower spell. Meeting a new Mage should be celebrated.


40 exp, 2000 coins

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