Castleville Hazel’s New Pet Quests
(Text Guide and Printable Version)
Help Hazel to train her new pet in this Castleville Hazel’s New Pet Quests. We will help and brief Hazel on how to raise and keep a pet. Players must be atleast level 26 to start this mission. It will have 9 stages and most of the requirements are crafting an item so we better prepare ahead the ingredients or materials that will be used.
Quest 1: Castleville Pet Show-and-Tell
– Now that I have decided to get a pet, I don’t know what kind to get…
Have 1 Regal Kennel
Craft 5 Parchments
Sell 5 Items
– Sell items in your Kingdom or from your Inventory.
85 xp, 4250 coins
Quest 2: Castleville Pet Picker
– Having a pet is going to be so great! We need to start getting ready for it!
Craft 3 Ice Cream
Craft 3 Spicy Sausages
Have 5 Wolf Bait
2 Sunripen Spell, 105 xp, 5250 coins
Quest 3: Castleville Hungry Like a Wolf
– Now that We are almost ready, you should make sure that your Kingdom is safe for my pet.
Sell 10 Grapes
Sell 10 Cocoa
Clear 5 Grass
65 xp, 3250 coins
Quest 4: Castleville Coming Clean
– No one likes a dirty pet! I will need some supplies to keep my pet clean!
Have 6 Pails of Water
Craft 3 Xtra Strong Cleansers
Craft 4 Wool Cloth
85 xp, 4250 coins
Quest 5: Castleville Out On a Leash
– It is almost here! Now where did my leash and collar go?
Craft 6 Ropes
Craft 5 Leathers
Have 15 Wood Logs
5 Ice Fence, 85 xp, 4250 coins
Quest 6: Castleville Keeping Busy
– Whew! Training pets takes a lot out of you. I need more things to keep my pet busy.
Have 5 Animal Bones
– Banish Beasties to gather Animal Bones.
Craft 2 Chew Toy
Have 5 Chicken Meat
– Feed adult Chickens to find Chicken Meat.
85 xp, 4250 coins
Quest 7: Castleville Checking Up!
– Did you know that pets can get destructive if they get bored? Not that my pet would do something like that…
Visit 5 Neighbors’ Kingdoms
Feed 10 Chickens
Buy 3 new Decos
– Buy Decorations in the Decor tab of the Market.
65 xp, 3250 coins
Quest 8: Castleville Checking Up!: Part 2
– No, I am sure that my pet was not destructive! But if you must… go ahead and look around to be sure.
Have 6 Scrub Brushes
Tax 10 Houses
Feed 10 Cows in your Kingdom
65 xp, 3250 coins
Quest 9: Castleville Old Wolf, New Tricks…
– What do you mean you didn’t like my pets’ new trick! They’re adorable when they are mean!
Harvest 15 Ears of Corn
Cast the Charm Gloom Wolf Spell 3 times
2 Icy Torch, 85 xp, 4250 coins