Castleville In Pursuit of a Knighthood Quests Guide

Castleville In Pursuit of a Knighthood

Castleville In Pursuit of a Knighthood will be released alongside the Castleville Morgana’s Legacy Quests. This mission will tell the story of her pursuit to become one of the Knights. It have 5 mission to complete and it features crafting an armor and her jousting lance.


Quests 1: Castleville A-squiring to Greatness


Investigate the Tournament Pavilion

  • Click in the Tournament Pavilion

Have 10 Wood Logs

Have 4 Bags of Sand


40 xp, 2000 coins


Quests 2: Castleville Armor Up!


Banish 2 Beasties

Have 2 Dragon’s Breath

  • You can have this by clicking ask friends

Craft Morgana’s Armor


40 xp, 2000 coins


Quests 3: Castleville Armor Up Again


Have 6 pieces of Cow Hide

Craft 4 Wooden Clubs

Craft an Enchanted Suit of Armor


40 xp, 2000 coins


Quests 4: Castleville Target Practice


Summon 2 Beasties to your Kingdom

Craft 1 Super Clobber

Banish 2 Beasties from your Kingdom


40 xp, 2000 coins


Quests 5: Castleville Lances Make Your Arm Strong


Gather 3 Iron Ore

Craft Morgana’s Jousting Lance

Craft Champagne


Herring Shrubbery, 40 xp, 2000 coins

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One thought on “Castleville In Pursuit of a Knighthood Quests Guide

  1. In quest 3, asking to craft suit of armor,,, problem arise when its need mythril chain link 9 units while in our store/inventory this item(mythril chain) can store 5 units only…….??????

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