Castleville In Pursuit of a Knighthood will be released alongside the Castleville Morgana’s Legacy Quests. This mission will tell the story of her pursuit to become one of the Knights. It have 5 mission to complete and it features crafting an armor and her jousting lance.
Quests 1: Castleville A-squiring to Greatness
Investigate the Tournament Pavilion
- Click in the Tournament Pavilion
Have 10 Wood Logs
Have 4 Bags of Sand
40 xp, 2000 coins
Quests 2: Castleville Armor Up!
Banish 2 Beasties
Have 2 Dragon’s Breath
- You can have this by clicking ask friends
Craft Morgana’s Armor
40 xp, 2000 coins
Quests 3: Castleville Armor Up Again
Have 6 pieces of Cow Hide
Craft 4 Wooden Clubs
Craft an Enchanted Suit of Armor
40 xp, 2000 coins
Quests 4: Castleville Target Practice
Summon 2 Beasties to your Kingdom
Craft 1 Super Clobber
Banish 2 Beasties from your Kingdom
40 xp, 2000 coins
Quests 5: Castleville Lances Make Your Arm Strong
Gather 3 Iron Ore
Craft Morgana’s Jousting Lance
Craft Champagne
Herring Shrubbery, 40 xp, 2000 coins
In quest 3, asking to craft suit of armor,,, problem arise when its need mythril chain link 9 units while in our store/inventory this item(mythril chain) can store 5 units only…….??????