Castleville Izzy’s Fashion House Quests Guide

Castleville Izzy’s Fashion House

Help Izadora in building her Fashion House in this Castleville Izzy’s Fashion House Quests. She is planning to build it in your kingdom and Ulrich is volunteering to help. This edition of Castleville Quests will have a total of 7 stage and you will need your friends help in some parts of the tasks.


Quests 1: Castleville Out With the Old

[alert style=”white”]I’m going to build a Fashion House here. How do you make one of those, again?[/alert]


Tax Izadora’s Wagon

Tend 3 Flowers

Have 2 copies of Fashion For Dummies


1 Lotus Piece 1, 1 Lotus Piece 2, 2.000 coins 40 exp


Quests 2: Castleville Like Ulrich

[alert style=”white”]Ulrich, would you be a dear and place the foundation for my construction?[/alert]


Please build the Fashion House

Craft 3 Parchments

Craft 3 Bottles of Ink


1 Lotus Piece 3, 1 Lotus Piece 4, 2.000 coins 40 exp


Quests 3: Castleville Not Helping!

[alert style=”white”]Why don’t you show me how you train while we go over these plans I just drew up?[/alert]


Upgrade the Fashion House once

Craft 1 Cloth Bandage

Craft Cloth Bandages in a Studio.


1 Lotus Piece 5, 1 Lotus Piece 6, 2.500 coins, 50 exp


Quests 4: Castleville: Grog to the Rescue

[alert style=”white”]*whispers* If they both help me, I don’t have to see last year’s dresses all over your Kingdom.[/alert]


Upgrade the Fashion House once again

Click on the Fashion House

Craft 2 Bubbly Grogs


1 Lotus Piece 7, 1 Lotus Piece 8, 2.500 Coins 50 exp


Quests 5: Castleville Like Gentlemen

[alert style=”white”] Okay, that’s it. Quit your whining. If you’re going to fight, you’d better be civilized about it.[/alert]


Craft 2 Swords

Place 4 Torches

Craft 4 Popcorn


1 Lotus Piece 9, 1 Lotus Piece 10, 2.500 coins, 50 exp


Quests 6: Castleville Boys Will Be Boys

[alert style=”white”]Okay, I’ll believe you, Ulrich. But say, how far along has that Fashion House come?![/alert]


Complete building the Fashion House

Craft 1 Herbal Salves

Craft 2 Cloth Bandages


1 Lotus Piece 11 1 Lotus Piece 12, 3.250 Coins, 65 exp


Quests 7: Castleville Brand New Clothing

[alert style=”white”]Alright. I don’t know who’s lying, but neither of them is getting a new dress from me for a while.[/alert]


Craft 1 Adventurer’s Tunic

Craft 1 Adventurer’s Leggings


1 Lotus Piece 13, 1 Lotus Piece 14, 1 Lotus Piece 15, 1 Lotus Piece 16, 3.250 coins, 65 exp

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