Castleville: Kid, do you even Lift? Guide

Castleville Kid Do You Even Lift

Zynga is releasing a new quests featuring the Castleville Kid Do You Even Lift Quests. It’s a new 7 part Tom the Knight Quests and the objective is to prove to Tom the you are capable of lifting heavy weights and handling the most difficult tasks. There’s several crafting tasks on this quests so better save those ingredients early.


Gotta catch 'em all!

Quests 1: Castleville Gotta catch ’em all!


Have 3 Weight Plates. You’ll be using these to start improving your strength!

Expand to find a new area for Baz to train in!

Chop 4 trees. Let’s start with activities that you may be used to seeing.


40 exp 2000 coins


A Humble Fiery Suggestion

Quests 2: Castleville A Humble Fiery Suggestion


Cast 2 Transform North Gremlin Spells. Catching those north gremlins will improve your stamina.

Craft 3 Mortars. The more you do the stronger you become!

Craft 3 Goldbricks. It’s the best way to earn your own reward!


40 exp 2000 coins


Run Fast, Balance Faster

Quests 3: Castleville Run Fast, Balance Faster


Gather 9 Charmstones from the north gremlins for me.

Craft 1 Dumbbell. It’s time to officially start your training!

Craft 2 Musician’s Chairs. It makes for a good relaxation place!


40 exp 2000 coins


Muscles are the Solution to Everything!

Quests 4: Castleville Muscles are the Solution to Everything!


Gather 11 more Charmstones for me.

Visit 5 Neighbors.

Craft 1 Workbench, for making your own things and working your fingers is good for dexterity!


50 exp 2500 coins


Love what you Do. Don't Hate what you Don't.

Quests 5: Castleville Love what you Do. Don’t Hate what you Don’t.


Craft 1 Barbell. It’s time to step it up a little!

Need 18 more Charmstones!

Place the Training Complex. We need a good place to workout!


50 exp 2500 coins


Lift and Mine to Muscle Cloud Nine!

Quests 6: Lift and Mine to Muscle Cloud Nine!


Upgrade the Training Complex. This makes for some good exercise too!

Craft 1 Dumbbell. Time to use them for your legs as well!

Gather 5 Mud. Sure you’ll get dirty, but you’ll have stronger hands and legs for it!


50 exp 2500 coins


The Path to Success

Quests 7: Castleville The Path to Success


Craft 2 Sandblocks. These are perfect for hand dexterity. Not to mention, building jumping strength!

Gather 12 Charmstones. These are the final ones, I promise!

Complete the Training Complex. It’s time to start training!


65 exp 3250 coins

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