Castleville Noble Mother Quest Guide

Castleville Noble Mother Quest

Castleville Noble Mother Quest

This is part of the Sylphie’s Questline, Castleville’s Noble Mother Quest and will be activated was players completed the task 2 in the Quest What Once Was Lost in the Questline Sylphie and the Magic Tree. There will be 4 stage to complete and will give 5 Magical Mulch as a final reward.

Quest 1: Castleville Being a Green Mother

[alert style=”white”]Sylphie says the Noble Mother nurtures all Noble Trees. [/alert]


Plant the Noble Mother tree in your Kingdom

Craft 1 Magical Mulch

Have 2 Pails of Water


35 xp, 1750 coins


Quest 2: Castleville A Little Bit of Fall

[alert style=”white”]Alastair says if we bestow the blessings of the four seasons on the Noble Mother it will revive her! Autumn is the first.[/alert]


Have 3 Blessings of Autumn

Tend 8 Flowers in your Kingdom

Heal the Noble Mother once


35 xp, 1750 coins


Quest 3: Castleville The Perfect Temperature

[alert style=”white”]The Blessings of Summer and Winter are too extreme for the weakened Noble Mother. But if we balance them, she’ll be stronger than ever![/alert]


Have 5 Blessings of Winter

Craft 3 Blessings of Summer

Upgrade the Noble Mother


35 xp, 1750 coins


Quest 4: Castleville Nature and Nurture

[alert style=”white”]We only have one more blessing to go: Spring! With this, the Noble Mother will be healthy and fully grown again![/alert]


Craft 2 Blessings of Spring

Complete the revival of the Noble Mother tree

Tend the fully revitalized Noble Mother 1 time


5 Magical Mulch, 35 xp, 1750 coins


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