Castleville Noble Mother Quest
This is part of the Sylphie’s Questline, Castleville’s Noble Mother Quest and will be activated was players completed the task 2 in the Quest What Once Was Lost in the Questline Sylphie and the Magic Tree. There will be 4 stage to complete and will give 5 Magical Mulch as a final reward.
Quest 1: Castleville Being a Green Mother
[alert style=”white”]Sylphie says the Noble Mother nurtures all Noble Trees. [/alert]
Plant the Noble Mother tree in your Kingdom
Craft 1 Magical Mulch
Have 2 Pails of Water
35 xp, 1750 coins
Quest 2: Castleville A Little Bit of Fall
[alert style=”white”]Alastair says if we bestow the blessings of the four seasons on the Noble Mother it will revive her! Autumn is the first.[/alert]
Have 3 Blessings of Autumn
Tend 8 Flowers in your Kingdom
Heal the Noble Mother once
35 xp, 1750 coins
Quest 3: Castleville The Perfect Temperature
[alert style=”white”]The Blessings of Summer and Winter are too extreme for the weakened Noble Mother. But if we balance them, she’ll be stronger than ever![/alert]
Have 5 Blessings of Winter
Craft 3 Blessings of Summer
Upgrade the Noble Mother
35 xp, 1750 coins
Quest 4: Castleville Nature and Nurture
[alert style=”white”]We only have one more blessing to go: Spring! With this, the Noble Mother will be healthy and fully grown again![/alert]
Craft 2 Blessings of Spring
Complete the revival of the Noble Mother tree
Tend the fully revitalized Noble Mother 1 time
5 Magical Mulch, 35 xp, 1750 coins