Castleville Seaweed Saga Quest Guide

Castleville Seaweed Saga

Sonja is pushing onward to explore new region in Castleville Seaweed Saga Quests. Players will be busy working out with the following mission like Journey to the Shore, An Enemy Appears Seaweed, Drinks at the Dock, Stinkin Scallywag, Good Boy Baz, Drunken Fish Party and Sailboats Afloat.

Quests 1: Castleville Journey to the Shore

[alert style=”white”] T’ whosoever it may concern, ye’d do best t’ hope this prank be worth it!! [/alert]


Explore the Gloom. This better not be a prank, ye scurvy dogs.

Have 1 Animal Hide. Seems a long way into the Gloom. We might needs t’ carry water.

Gather 10000 Coins. Long, squiffy explorations like this needs doubloons!!


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 2: Castleville An Enemy Appears: Seaweed

[alert style=”white”] Aye, rakes! O’ course. Ye’ve got brains that be o’ some use, lad. [/alert]


Craft 3 Deweeders. Prepare to get cleaned, seashore, ye sweet darlin’.

Craft 2 Cotton Cloths. We’ve got lots o’ Seaweed t’ swab ‘n ye don’t wants t’ get sick.

Craft 2 Rope! More rope means we throw these Deweeders nice ‘n far!


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 3: Castleville Drinks at the Dock!

[alert style=”white”] Aye. But clearin’ Seaweed be important, first mate. I’ll leave ye t’ it ‘n get t’ work on rebuildin’ the Dock! [/alert]


Clear 1 Grass. I needs to ‘ave me peaceful drinkin’ time!

Start buildin’ that dock ‘n don’t be lazy. Arr I not understood?

Craft 3 Bubbly Grog. Swabbin’ this Seaweed be some irritatin’ work, I know ye be in agreement.


40 exp, 2000 coins


Quests 4: Castleville Stinkin’ Scallywag… Moss?!

[alert style=”white”] We should swab up the seaweed afore Sal’s fishy heart walks the gangplank. [/alert]


Craft 5 Deweeders. I hope ye’s listenin’ to me, boy-o!

Tend 3 sweet smellin’ Flowers. Sal, yer gills would appreciate this fragrance.

Chop up 5 Wood Logs. We always needs wood.


85 exp, 4250 coins


Quests 5: Castleville Good Boy Baz

[alert style=”white”] Alright, it seems Sal is interested in helpin’. Get back t’ swabbin’ up this mess o’ Seaweed, all of ya! [/alert]


Psst! Craft 1 Cup Cakes. First mate Baz deserves a couple o’ these.

Build the dock with me, will ye? Don’t be slow, we got a lotta work to do here!

Craft 2 Deweeders. Thar’s ne’er enough Deweeders, son.


105 exp, 5250 coins


Quests 6: Castleville Drunken Fish Party!!

[alert style=”white”] No time to rest now, mateys! Soon, we’ll be ready t’ set sail! [/alert]


Craft 5 Deweeders. This paddy Seaweed’s world be turnin’ black soon!

Craft 2 more Bubbly Grog. Such a small remainder o’ Seaweed be callin’ fer a Drrrunken Fish Party!


105 exp, 5250 coins


Quests 7: Castleville Sailboats Afloat!

[alert style=”white”] Maybe a dock would mean more visitors t’ yer Kingdom. Possibly from oceans afar! [/alert]


Sal has spoken the truth! Docks ne’er build themselves, ye crows.

Craft 1 Champagne. That’s how ye give yer ship the respect it deserves. By breakin’ a bottle on it.

Buy ‘n Place 2 Campfires. Docks don’t light themselves up on thar owns, either. ARR!!


105 exp, 5250 coins

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