The dragon Ember and Spark is bringing a massive rock for Alastair to check in Castleville Serendipity Quests. There will be 5 stage to complete and there will be some crafting involve so you might want to prepare ahead the materials for the crafting part.
Quests 1: Castleville Serendipity-Cover
Have 3 Big Red Markers. Let’s get this started!
Tend 4 Flowers. They’ll present unmarked targets unfortunately.
Gather 5 Pails of Water. I get a feeling there’s going to be lots of explosions today.
35 exp
1750 coins
Quests 2: Castleville Just a Mistake
Craft 3 Iron Bars. Our device needs them!
Craft 8 Gold Bricks. Always make for good conductors!
Craft 5 Wood Planks, likewise, to isolate the energy.
35 exp
1750 coins
Quests 3: Castleville Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Craft 2 Glue, to hold it together.
Craft 1 Target-O-Matic. It’s finally time!
Craft 5 Parchments. Must take notes!
35 exp
1750 coins
Quests 4: Castleville Right Place, Right Time!
Gather 4 Aquamarines. These should do as catalysts.
Craft 6 Bagsof Nails to make sure the important parts don’t fall off!
Craft 5 Stone Blocks. Good for targets!
35 exp
1750 coins
Quests 5: Castleville All’s Well That End’s Well
Gather 5 Mud to ensure it holds ground.
Craft 3 Sand Blocks to help soften the blow.
Craft 2 Target-O-Matics. Carl, here we come!
35 exp
1750 coins