Make the perfect cake in Castleville Surprise Quests Guide. Baz is planning to make the perfect cake with the help of Miss Mia and us of course. Collect the necessary materials to craft and make the recipes. The new Castleville Quests limited time will be release this week and it will have 5 stage.
Quests 1: Castleville It’s Party Time!
[alert style=”white”] Paati, she says! Party it is! How can I help? [/alert]
Have 2 Birthday Songs. We’ve gotta sing for Mister Al!
Gather 3 Honey. That should be enough for cake, shouldn’t it? I think we need help, Agnes.
Have 5 Milk Bottles. I’ve seen Miss Mia put milk in cakes so we need a few bottles for sure.
40 exp, 2000 coins
Quests 2: Castleville Candles and a Song
[alert style=”white”] Miss Mia is the best. With her help, and your’s, of course, we can make the perfect cake! [/alert]
Craft 2 Parchments. We need to hand out copies of the Birthday Songs.
Craft 3 Candles. A birthday cake with no candles doesn’t make for a proper birthday.
Craft 3 Bottles of Ink. We don’t want to forget something to write the song with.
40 exp, 2000 coins
Quests 3: Castleville Strawberry Emergency
[alert style=”white”] I will mix it good, and this cake will be the best cake ever made! [/alert]
Craft 1 Birthday Cake. That’s what we’re making, isn’t it, Agnes?
Gather 10 Strawberries, and quick! Mister Al loves them and they have to be on his cake!
Harvest 10 Cocoa. We’re going to need it to make chocolate.
50 exp, 2500 coins
Quests 4: Castleville Of Bad Tummies and Cake
[alert style=”white”] This hurts so much! Can you make these ouchies go away, please? [/alert]
Craft 2 Tummy Tonics. One for Agnes, too. Owww…
Gather 3 Pails of Water. Miss Mia said we need to drink a lot of water.
Craft 2 more Birthday Cakes. And can we use one on Mister Al’s face, Miss Mia? Please?
50 exp, 2500 coins
Quests 5: Castleville SURPRISE!!
[alert style=”white”] A paper boat!! Am I not the best birthday surprise-planner ever?! [/alert]
Craft 3 Paper Boats. I can pretend to play with this while we surprise Mister Al!
Craft 2 Chocolate Covered Strawberries. Mister Al’s favorite!!
Cast the Fire Flower spell 1 time. Fireworks for Mister Al’s Surprise Birthday party!
65 exp, 3250 coins