Castleville Sylphie and the Magic Tree Quest Guide

Castleville Sylphie and the Magic Tree Quest

Castleville Sylphie and the Magic Tree Quest

Help Sylphie grow the Noble Trees in your Kingdom to a full blossom in Castleville Sylphie and the Magic Tree. We will be rasing some magical trees this time around in Castleville and Sylphie will call it Noble Trees. This is a 7 part quest with an additional side quest that will be triggered once a players finished the Syphie’s Questline Quest 2 of the Quest What Once Was Lost and the Magic Tree.

Quests 1: Castleville What Once Was Lost

[alert style=”white”]Noble Trees have certain anti-Gloom properties. [/alert]


Place the Seed Sprouter in your Kingdom

Plant your first Noble Tree

Collect 2 Cow Chips

  • You can collect Cow Chips by tending or harvesting Adult Cows and or Dairy Barn


20 xp, 1000 coins


Quests 2: Castleville One to Grow On

[alert style=”white”]With a little Celestial Rain, we can make the Magical Mulch needed to fertilize Noble Trees![/alert]


Collect 3 Celestial Rain

Craft 3 Magical Mulches

Fertilize your Noble Trees 3 times


30 xp, 1500 coins


Quests 3: Castleville A Guardian Element

[alert style=”white”]Guardian Trees protect your Kingdom and Elemental trees provide nature.[/alert]


Have at least 1 Guardian Tree and 1 Elemental Tree

Collect 8 Fire OR Ice Chunks

Fertilize your Noble Trees 6 times


35 xp, 1750 coins


Quests 4: Castleville Protect the Trees!

[alert style=”white”]Faugrimm’s trying to finish what he started all those years ago![/alert]


Banish 2 Beasties in your Kingdom

Craft 2 Flaming Swords

Craft 4 Magical Mulches


35 xp, 1750 coins


Quests 5: Castleville Tree Hugger

[alert style=”white”]Those dirty Beasties made our Noble Trees sick![/alert]


Craft 2 Wood Balms

  • You can craft this in the Studio

Fertilize 5 Noble Trees

Spend 25 Reputation

  • You can spend Reputation by purchasing specific items in the Market


35 xp, 1750 coins


Quests 6: Castleville Tree Whisperer

[alert style=”white”]The secret to making Noble Trees REALLY bloom? Singing![/alert]


Have 5 Choir Music Books

  • Ask your friends for Choir Books

Craft 3 Music Boxes

  • You can craft Music Boxes in the Studio

Have 1 Large Noble Tree

  • Fertilize a single Noble Tree 18 times for it to reach Large size


35 xp, 1750 coins


Quests 7: Castleville Sylphie’s New Grove

[alert style=”white”]If we had a whole grove of Noble Trees we would be unstoppable![/alert]


Plant 1 new Noble Tree

Tend 5 blossomed Noble Trees

Fertilize your Noble Trees 7 times


Acorn Topiary, 35 xp, 1750 coins


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