Farmville 2 Campaign Strain Quest Gude

Farmville 2 Campaign Strain

It Thursday once again and it only means one thing, it’s quest time. For this week we will have Farmville 2 Campaign Strain Quests where the campaign of Walter is ongoing. There will be a total of 8 stage to complete fort his one and it involved some crafting and Blue Corn recipes. To help you with this Farmville 2 Quests, we prepared this exclusive guide to help you and your friends.


Quests 1: Political Ploys

Political Ploys


Fertilize 12 Corn

Feed 3 Adult Pigs

Feed 2 Adult Sheep


150 exp, 450 coins


Quests 2: Dastardly Disguises

Dastardly Disguises


Collect 5 Black Sombrero

Make 8 Terracotta Pitcher

Make 10 Lasso


150 exp, 625 coins


Quests 3: Horse Hijinks

Horse Hijinks


Tend 1 Horse Stable to let the horses out!

Make 10 Spurs to give yourself a boost!

Make 3 Pair of Riding Boots to finish off your outfit.


150 exp,


Quests 4: Crooked Cowls

Crooked Cowls


Collect 5 Bandit Mask to get your mask!

Raise 1 Baby Horse to an adult to lead the charge!

Make 5 Black Swan Mask to put masks on the horses as well!


175 xp, 975 coins


Quests 5: Stampeding Stallions

Crooked Cowls


Tend 1 Sheep Shack to add to the stampede!

Make 10 Wool Saddle Blanket for your horse to have.

Make 2 French Lop Rabbit Statue to add a fake animal too!


180 xp, 1150 coins


Quests 6: Mud Slingin

Mud Slingin


Gather 15 Mud to attract pigs.

Make 15 Pottery Slip to use the extra mud.

Make 5 Piggy Cookie Jar to catch Marie with her hand in the cookie jar!


200 exp, 1500 coins


Quests 7: Running A-Mud

Running A-Mud


Collect 5 Pig Mask to disguise yourself again!

Super Feed 5 Adult Pig to give them energy!

Make 15 Broccoli Quiche to feed yourself too!


200 exp, 1500 coins


Quests 8: Appetite for Apologies

Appetite for Apologies


Achieve Yellow Mastery of the Blue Corn crop.

Make 5 Blue Corn Chip to give to Marie as an apology.

Make 2 Rustic Truffle Oil Bread to add with the chips.


210 exp, 1675 coins

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