Farmville 2: Dessert Pros Quest Guide

Dessert Pros Quests

Help Marie who is building an oven in Farmville 2 Dessert Pros Quests. A brand new quest which will start on Tuesday with 8 stage. We already have here a preview of all the stage for this Farmville 2 Quests and it will show you or give you an idea on what things to prepare and collect.


Dessert Pros Quest

Quests 1: Dessert Pros


Place Dessert Oven.

Buy 1 Baby Mini Cow.

Water 20 Yellow Zucchini.

Farmville 2 Dessert Pros


30 exp 350 coins


Cold Holder

Quests 2: Cold Holder


Collect 5 Freezer Pack.

Harvest 30 Yellow Zucchini.

Make 4 Apple Juice.

Farmville 2 Cold Holder


40 exp 450 coins


Pump up the Flavor

Quests 3: Pump up the Flavor


Fertilize 20 Pumpkin, to top your desserts.

Feed 3 Adult Pig.

Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Pearl Diving job.

Farmville 2 Pump up the Flavor


50 exp 550 coins


My Name Is Ice-n-berg

Quests 4: My Name Is Ice-n-berg


Collect 5 Dry Ice.

Feed 5 Adult Chicken.

Make 5 Orange Cupcake so we don’t eat all your dessert.

Farmville 2 My Name Is Ice-n-berg


60 exp 650 coins


Green Scene

Quests 5: Green Scene


Make 2 Double Cream.

Harvest 5 Apple Tree.

Make 2 Fried Yellow Zucchini.

Farmville 2 Green Scene


70 exp 750 coins


Soft Drinks, Soft Eats

Quests 6: Soft Drinks, Soft Eats


Collect 3 Gelato.

Make 5 Sheep Pillow, so Marie can take a nap.

Make 2 Swiss Cheese Cheese Soup.

Farmville 2 Soft Drinks, Soft Eats


80 exp 850 coins


Rubbing Salt in the Tooth

Quests 7: Rubbing Salt in the Tooth


Collect 5 Clove Oil, for Marie’s tooth.

Make 5 Dog Leash.

Go Fishing 5 times.

Farmville 2 Rubbing Salt in the Tooth



90 exp 950 coins


Yes, Horsing Around

Quests 8: Yes, Horsing Around


Tend your Horse Stable 2 times.

Feed 5 Adult Horse.

Make 2 Goat Cheese and Truffle Crostini.

Yes, Horsing Around


100 exp 1100 coins

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One thought on “Farmville 2: Dessert Pros Quest Guide

  1. Dog leash making is not working. Where can I find in my work shop? Don’t see it anywhere.

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