Quest 1: Farmville Fire Away!
[alert style=”white”]Gus is organizing a volunteer Fire Brigade for the Farmville 2 FarmVille FD Quests, and he will need our help! Let’s help Gus fulfill his tasks in this Farmville 2 Quests.[/alert]
Perform 5 actions on Neighbor Farms
- Visit a neighbor and perform 5 actions
Tend 2 Wells
Water 8 Trees
30 exp, 300 coins
Quest 2: Farmville Head First
[alert style=”white”]Equipment is very important for firefighting. You have to get the right stuff for safety![/alert]
Collect 5 Firefighter Hat
Harvest 25 Golden Passion Fruit
Make 2 Golden Passion Fruit Preserves
35 exp, 350 coins
Quest 3: Farmville Baking it up!
[alert style=”white”]You can’t invite neighbors to a volunteer meeting and not have snacks to eat.[/alert]
Harvest 25 Wheat
Feed 6 Adult Chicken
- Prized Chicken will not count.
Make 3 Blueberry Tart
- Any Tart Recipe will also work
40 exp, 400 coins
Quest 4: Farmville Hot Clothes
[alert style=”white”]We all have to watch out for each other, but firefighters look out for everyone.[/alert]
Collect 5 Firefighter Coat
Feed 4 Adult Horse
Make 3 Floral Trivet
45 exp, 450 coins
Quest 5: Farmville Fortune Favors
[alert style=”white”]Good luck is something everyone needs, but for a friefighter it’s especially handy.[/alert]
Feed 6 Adult Rabbits
Feed 6 Adult Sheep
Make 2 Glass Good Luck Charm
50 exp, 500 coins
Quest 6: Farmville Clean up!
[alert style=”white”]Cleaning up all that soot keeps volunteer firefighters looking good![/alert]
Feed 6 Adult Goats
Harvest 4 Olive Tree
Make 1 Plain Soap
70 exp, 650 coins
Quest 7: Farmville All a boot it!
[alert style=”white”]Fireproof boots are a must for stomping out fires![/alert]
Collect 5 Firefighter Boots
Harvest 20 Strawberry
Make 1 Strawberry Scented Bag
90 exp, 900 coins
Quest 8: Farmville Fireproof Gus!
[alert style=”white”]I better make sure this stuff really works, with yiur help, of course![/alert]
Tend your Furnace 3 times
Make 12 recipes in your Kiln
Make 3 Ornate Bell
120 exp, 1100 coins
In Quest 3…. you can make 3 of ANY tart….they just have a picture of a blueberry tart on there…. But I just made 3 pear tart and it went through ok (it said ANY tart was ok)
Thanks Tiffany for the info.
There’s no such thing as “ornate bell” on my game. Maybe it means “ornate vase”?