Mission Objective: All the middle school graduates will soon be leaving in Farmville 2 Flying The Nest Quests. They’re attending Spring Break courses in the city. You can find all the information you will need here on how to complete this Farmville 2 Quests faster. The Farmville 2 Flying The Nest Quest is available from April 24 to May 8th.
Quest 1: Much Fun to be Grad
Place Convocation Counter
Water 15 Lady Smocks
Feed 5 Adult Chickens
Quest 2: There’s a Knap For That
Get 5 Sets of Knapsacks
Feed 4 Adult Cows
Make 3 Lady’s Smock Bouquets
Quest 3: Group Therapy
Perform 10 Neighbor Actions
Feed 4 Adult Horses
Do 1 Foraging Job
Quest 4: Keeping In Touch
Get 5 Sets of County Postage Stamps
Harvest 20 Tomatoes
Make 5 Tomato Onion Sauces
Quest 5: Woman’s Best Friend
Gather 24 Ropes (Adult Donkeys)
Feed 4 Adult Rams
Make 4 Dog Fetching Sticks
Quest 6: Scone Be a Good Time
Tend your Fertilizer Bin 2 Times
Feed 3 Adult Mini Donkeys
Make 5 Blueberry Clotted Cream Scones
Quest 7: Emotional Baggage
Collect 5 Wooden Trunks
Harvest 4 Olive Trees
Go Fishing 5 Times
Quest 8: Breadwinner
Gather 30 Apples
Harvest 30 Sunflowers
Make 4 Multigrain Wheat Breads