Quests 1: Get Ready to Celebrate!
[alert style=”white”]Relive the experience of Cornelius in Farmville 2 Happy Lunar New Year Quests. He enjoyed celebrating the Lunar New Year, the one he spent in Hong Kong and been celebrating it ever since! We will gonna help him on this Farmville 2 Quests to celebrate it complete with Lanterns.[/alert]
Have Lunar Lantern Stand on your Farm
Water 10 Tong Qua Winter Melon
Feed 2 Adult Goats
30 xp, 300 coins
Quests 2: Sweet Spot
[alert style=”white”]I’d like to stock up my store for the Lunar New Year celebration.[/alert]
Collect 5 Lunar New Year Candies
Harvest 12 plump Onions
Make 2 Broths
35 exp, 350 coins
Quests 3: Game of Scones
[alert style=”white”]Big red apple recipes are something that goes great with Lunar New Year.[/alert]
Harvest 4 Apple Trees or Heirloom Apple Trees.
Tend your Wells 2 times
Bake 2 Apple Scones
40 exp, 400 coins
Quests 4: Boom Tube
[alert style=”white”]Some Lunar New Year celebrations are contemplative but some are loud![/alert]
Collect 5 Lunar New Year Firecrackers
Harvest 12 Tong Qua Winter Melon
Make Tong Qua Winter Melon Soup
45 exp, 450 coins
Quests 5: Am I Blue?
[alert style=”white”]Not that there’s anything wrong with red, but I’ve always been partial to blue.[/alert]
Tend your Rabbit Warren 2 times
Harvest 20 Blueberries
Make 10 Blue Handkerchiefs
50 exp, 550 coins
Quests 6: And Eat It Too
[alert style=”white”]Cake is another staple of Lunar New Year. Ideally we would make Moon Cake, but we’ll have to improvise.[/alert]
Tend your Chicken Coop 2 times
Harvest 20 Wheats
Make 2 Angel Food Cakes
70 exp, 650 coins
Quests 7: Umbrella Cooperation
[alert style=”white”]Everyone likes Lunar New Year parasols, but we’ll need some help to get enough![/alert]
Collect 5 Lunar New Year Parasols
Tend your Fertilizer Bin 2 times
Gather 20 Wood or Heirloom Wood
90 exp, 900 coins
Quests 8: Coin Toss
[alert style=”white”]The winning suggestion was a coin toss! I need some lovely painted pots to toss coins into![/alert]
Tend your Pig Pen 2 times
Harvest 8 Orange Trees or Heirloom Orange Trees
MakeĀ 3 Decorated Clay Pots
120 exp, 1100 coins