Quests 1: Farmville 2 Dark Flights
[alert style=”white”]Barbara is bothered by the owls in Farmville 2 Night of the Owl Quests. Perhaps we can help her appreciate them more in this new Farmville 2 Quests that is coming this Tuesday. Attract these Owls for they can help your trees to speed up it’s growth and harvest faster.[/alert]
Have an Owl House
Harvest 15 Corn
Feed 3 Adult Chickens
30 exp, 300 coins
Quests 2: Farmville 2 Learning about Owls
[alert style=”white”]Learning about owls means coming to like them.[/alert]
Collect 5 Owl Facts
Tend your Goat Shelter 2 times
Make 3 Goat Cheese Tart
35 exp, 350 coins
Quests 3: Farmville 2 Wisdom of Owls
[alert style=”white”]I’ve been reading stories about owls since we talked about Halloween. Sometimes the owls are not what they seem![/alert]
Raise 1 Baby Duck
Tend your Pig Pen 2 times
Feed 6 Adult Cows
40 exp, 400 coins
Quests 4: Farmville 2 Silent Flights
[alert style=”white”]Owls are almost magical in their silent flight, but it’s no magic. It’s a special feather![/alert]
Collect 5 Silent Owl Feather
Harvest 5 Radicchio
Make 1 1 Owl Treat
45 exp, 450 coins
Quests 5: Farmville 2 Grin and Bear It
[alert style=”white”]Perhaps they want to see how good a caretaker you are? Let’s show them![/alert]
Make 4 Wool Teddybear
Tend your Sheep Shack 2 times
Feed 6 Adult Horse
50 xp, 550 coins
Quests 6: Farmville 2 Don’t Get Bogged Down
[alert style=”white”]She just doesn’t appreciate them, but I’m glad you’re welcoming them here![/alert]
Make 3 Strawberry Angel Food Cake
Tend your Fertilizer Bin 2 times
Feed 6 Adult Goats
70 xp, 650 coins
Quests 7: Farmville 2 Illumination
[alert style=”white”]As nocturnal creatures, they really shine in the dark. Not literally, of course.[/alert]
Collect 5 Spotting Lantern
Make 5 Pointy Garden Fence
Harvest 8 Peach Tree
90 xp, 900 coins
Quests 8: Farmville 2 Bigger the Better
[alert style=”white”]Autumn makes me hungry for certain things, I’ll bet you’re the same.[/alert]
Make 3 Three Tier Pumpkin Pie
Harvest 30 Giant Pumpkin
Tend 3 Prized Chicken Coop
120 xp, 1100 coins