Quest 1: Farmville 2 Evening Light
[alert style=”white”]Summer in FarmVille 2 Quests means warm nights outside with the stars and dancing fireflies. So let’s reminisce in Farmville 2 oh, those summer nights.[/alert]
Fertilize 20 Crops
Harvest 4 Lemon Trees
Make 4 Lemonade
30 exp, 300 coins
Quest 2: Farmville 2 That Bugs Me
[alert style=”white”]All the kids like to come out too on this Farmville 2 Firefly Quests! Oh, and also the bugs! Don’t worry, I know what to do.[/alert]
Collect 5 Mosquito Spray
Feed 4 Sheep
Make 4 Felt Roll
35 exp, 350 coins
Quest 3: Farmville 2 The Light is a Jar
[alert style=”white”]Of course we let the fireflies go, but it’s awfully fun to catch them![/alert]
Harvest 1 Chicken Coop
Feed 4 Adult Pigs
Make 1 Small Glass Jar
40 exp, 400 coins
Quest 4: Farmville 2 FarmVille Nights
[alert style=”white”]I like FarmVille Summer nights the best.[/alert]
Collect 5 Paper Lantern
Tend 25 Pink-Eyed Peas
Make 2 Pink-eyed Peas Soup
45 exp, 450 coins
Quest 5: Farmville 2 Summer Memories
[alert style=”white”]Being a kid in FarmVille is the best, especially in the Summer![/alert]
Harvest 8 Trees
Tend 4 Wells
Make 1 Plain Soap
50 exp, 500 coins
Quest 6: Farmville 2 Upon a Star
[alert style=”white”]The problem around here is here are so many stars, I don’t know which one to wish on![/alert]
Tend 1 Goat Shelter
Feed 4 Adult Rabbits
Make 1 Glass Firefly Charm
70 exp, 650 coins
Quest 7: Farmville 2 Lemonade Cubed
[alert style=”white”]Lemonade is great, but we can make it colder and better than ever.[/alert]
Collect 5 Metal Ice Cube Tray
Harvest 25 Strawberries
Make 3 Strawberry Lemonade
90 exp, 900 coins
Quest 8: Farmville 2 The Heat Goes On
[alert style=”white”]I’m glad we still have pleny of Summer left![/alert]
Harvest 4 Pine Trees
Feed 4 Adult Horses
Make 2 Hand Mirrors
120 exp, 1100 coins
The first task in Quest 5 should read “Harvest 8 Trees”. They do not have to be Apricot.
Step 5 I have “Harvest 8 trees” instead of Apricot. Level 70 (I have noticed that in comparison to lower level friends I have it easier on some tasks?)
Thanks guys for the info on the Apricot trees. It is now changed to “Trees” only.
anyone else having problems making pink-eyed peas soup? game locked up when I tried to make it
I am only at level 30 but even to me these quests seem pointless.