Quests 1: Farmville 2 Kiln Me Softly
[alert style=”white”]Barbara loves to make pottery and Walter is planning to learn to in Farmville 2 Spring Fling Quests. Since the Pig Racing is coming this week there should be a glut of mud available to make pottery. So let’s help Walter in this new Farmville 2 Quests which will have 8 stage. Also we will be building the Pig Starting Gate where we can race our pigs and win coins. so get ready to race![/alert]
Feed 4 Adult Pigs
Harvest the Pig Pen
Make 5 Pottery Slips
30 exp, 300 coins
Quests 2: Farmville 2 Thunder Pork
[alert style=”white”]Host a pig race on your farm so I can take Barbara on a date.[/alert]
Collect 5 Pig Racing Guides
Make 4 Split Pea Soup
Have a completed Starting Gate
35 exp, 350 coins
Quests 3: Farmville 2 Visualize Whirled Peas
[alert style=”white”]Barbara can’t go out until she’s stocked her B&B kitchen. Can you help with these goods?[/alert]
Harvest 20 Green Peas
Make 5 Springtime Pea Salads
Make 4 Cheese Quiche
40 exp, 400 coins
Quests 4: Farmville 2 Gifts from the Heart
[alert style=”white”]I want to make Barbara something to remember me by. Something utilitarian?[/alert]
Harvest 2 Pig Pens
Make 3 Sheep Salt & Pepper Shakers
Make 1 Piggy Cookie Jar
45 exp, 450 coins
Quests 5: Farmville 2 Setting the Mood
[alert style=”white”]I don’t know how to “do” romance. Can you give me some ideas for music and gifts?[/alert]
Collect 5 Pig Gambling Records
Make 2 Key Chains
Make 4 Cow Creamers
50 exp, 550 coins
Quests 6: Farmville 2 Hot Date
[alert style=”white”]I don’t want to ruin my date with Barbara tonight. What should I bring along?[/alert]
Receive 20 Piece of Woods
Make 3 Hand Mirrors
Make 2 Green Pea Coats
70 exp, 650 coins
Quests 7: Farmville 2 The Truffle Kerfuffle
[alert style=”white”]I need to generate some serious coin in a jiffy. Can you teach me how to make Truffle oil?[/alert]
Collect 5 Checkered Racing Flags
Make 4 Truffle Oil
Make 4 Rustic Truffle Oil Breads
90 exp, 900 coins
Quests 8: Farmville 2 Walter’s Masterpiece
[alert style=”white”]I want to learn how to make beautiful jewelry for Barbara using my own two hands.[/alert]
Make 5 Leather Jewelry Boxes
Make 3 Peas in a Pod Necklaces
Have Adult Hungarian Grey Cow
120 exp, 1100 coins