Farmville 2: We Were Snailing Along Quest Guide

Farmville 2 We Were Snailing Along

Zynga is adding the new mission Farmville 2 We Were Snailing Along Quest into the game. It will be available for players to complete from May 26 to June 9. The goal of this Farmville 2 Quests is to build a Snail Garden with the help from Gus and Barbara. On this post, we will show you the tasks that you will need to complete for all the stage.


We Were Snailing Along
Quests 1: Getting some Escar-cercise


Place Snail Garden on your farm.

Water 15 Pink Dahlia.

Feed 4 Adult Chicken.

Getting some Escar-cercise


35 exp 350 coins


We Were Snailing Along

Quests 2: On a Shell-ular Level


Collect 5 Snail Feeding Kit.

Feed 3 Adult Goat.

Make 2 Pink Dahlia Wreath to feed your snails.

On a Shell-ular Level


45 exp 450 coins


We Were Snailing Along

Quests 3: Knowledge is Plower


Use 3 Farm Hand.

Perform 10 helpful actions on neighbor farms.

Have your sweetie or kid do 1 Foraging job.

Knowledge is Plower


55 exp 550 coins


We Were Snailing Along

Quests 4: Avoiding Snailure


Collect 5 Snail Carrier.

Fertilize 20 Onion.

Make 2 Swiss Cheese Soup.

Avoiding Snailure


65 exp 650 coins


We Were Snailing Along

Quests 5: It’s A Snail’s Life


Tend your Pig Pen 2 times to let Gus’ snails rest.

Harvest 20 Pink Dahlia.

Make a Pink Dahlia Bouquet to make use of the flowers.

It's A Snail's Life


75 exp 750 coins


We Were Snailing Along

Quests 6: Bring Your Own Cornbread


Feed 4 Adult Sheep.

Harvest 20 Corn to show them how it’s done.

Make 3 Cornbread.

Bring Your Own Cornbread


85 exp 850 coins


We Were Snailing Along

Quests 7: Shell Help Wanted


Collect 5 Sesame Oil to shine some shells.

Harvest 2 Pine Tree.

Go Fishing 5 times.

Shell Help Wanted


95 exp 950 coins


We Were Snailing Along

Quests 8: Thy Comforter is Here


Tend your Rabbit Warren 2 times.

Feed 3 Adult Pig.

Make 3 Embroidered Horse Blanket for Marie.

Thy Comforter is Here


105 exp 1150 coins

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