Another chapter Atlantis Quests is upon us in Farmville Best When Bubbly Quests. This will be a 6 part Farmville quests where player need to help the Duke in exploring some spectacular sights in Atlantis. From this guide we may safely says that there is no quite difficult tasks awaits players as all the requirements will give players no trouble. Just prepare the bushels and collect them early for the crafting part.
Quests 1: Farmville Best When Bubbly
Get 7 Bubbling Gum
Harvest 100 Shellfish
- Harvest in 4 hours
Harvest Atlantis Palace 2 Times
Puffer Shark, 250 xp, 3000 coins
Quests 2: Farmville Glow Below
Get 8 Glowing Bulbs
Harvest 150 Lava Lotus
- Harvest in 15 hours
Harvest Puffer Shark 2 Times
- Harvest in Marine Observatory
Bushy Kelp Tree, 50 sp, 3500 coins
Quests 3: Farmville Architecture of Atlantis
Get 9 Sand Rakes
Harvest 200 Sea Sponge
- Harvest in 8 hours
Make Lava Nachos 2 Times
Palace Courtyard, 75 sp, 4000 coins
Quests 4: Farmville Mystery Anemone
Get 9 Mermaid Elixirs
Harvest 225 Triton Turnip
- Harvest in 20 hours
Master Puffer Shark to 1-Star
Anemone Monster, 100 sp, 4500 coins
Quests 5: Farmville Seeing Sea Mist
Get 10 Sea Mist Seeds
Harvest 250 Urchinberry
- Harvest in 12 hours
Make Sea Spongecake 1 Time
Rainbow Jelly Tree, 125 sp, 5000 coins
Quests 6: Farmville Cutting Coral
Get 12 Coral Gems
Harvest 275 Ambrosia
- Harvest in 20 hours
Make Urchinberry Pie 2 Times
Coral Pegasus, 200 sp, 6000 coins