A new quest is upon us in Farmville Better Brittle Quests as players will be receiving this Farmville quest this Thursday. The theme will be about the Fun May Fair. It consists of 9 standard stage that players must clear all within the time limit of 14 days or 2 weeks. If a player happen to finish all ahead of the time limit, it can be repeated to win all the rewards again.
Quests 1: Farmville Better Brittle
Get 7 Brittle Bar
Harvest 60 Wheat
- Harvest in 12 hours
Craft Any 1 Trowel Recipe on Hanging Gardens
Spring Antelope, 125 exp, 2500 coins
Quests 2: Farmville Sounds of May
Get 8 Fair Songbooks
Harvest 90 Peanuts
- Harvest in 16 hours
Craft Any 10 Creamer Goods at the Dairy
Unwither, 150 exp, 3000 coins
Quests 3: Farmville Grand Strands
Get 9 May Ribbon Strands
Harvest 100 Red Tulips
- Harvest in 1 day
Harvest Spring Antelope 2 Times
- Harvest in the Wildlife Pen
May Streamer Tree, 175 exp, 3500 coins
Quests 4: Farmville Truffles and Trowels
Get 10 Spring Truffles
Harvest 150 Rye
- Harvest in 20 hours
Master Spring Antelope to 1-Star
Baby Spring Boar, 200 exp, 4000 coins
Quests 5: Farmville Happy Hedges
Get 10 Garden Trimmers
Harvest 180 Chickpeas
- Harvest in 20 hours
Harvest Baby Spring Boar 2 Times
- Harvest in the Baby Playpen
May Pole Maze, 225 exp, 4500 coins
Quests 6: Farmville Sprung in Spring
Get 10 Lute Strings
Harvest 180 Peppers
- Harvest in 1 day or you may substitute it with Jalapeno or Sichuan Pepper for shorter harvest time
Craft 1 Farmhand
XP Book, 250 exp, 5000 coins
Quests 7: Farmville Faes in May
Get 11 Spring Crumbs
Harvest 180 Daffodils
- Harvest in 2 days
Master Baby Spring Boar to 1-Star
May Forest Retreat, 275 exp, 5500 coins
Quests 8: Farmville Perfect May Ponds
Get 12 Pond Lanterns
Harvest 180 Sunflowers
- Harvest in 1 day
Craft 1 Fertilize All
Mystery Dart, 300 exp, 6000 coins
Quests 9: Farmville Ending with Oats
Get 14 Acorn Oats
Harvest 240 Squash
- Harvest in 2 days or you may substitute it with Carnival Acorn or Pumpkin
Craft 1 Shovel Set
May Forest Pegacorn, 325 exp, 6500 coins