Farmville and Zynga is adding a new mission into the game this Thursday. You can now finally prepare for the Farmville Bubble Bath Day Quests which will feature our friend Uma. She is here to give us some advice on how spend a relaxing day. The Bubble Bath Day Quests will be available from August 27 to September 10.
Quest 1: Bubble Bath Day Part 1
Get 7 Bath Robe
Harvest 60 Pumpkins
Harvest time: 8 Hours or can be substituted with Pumpkin Orange: 10 Mins
Craft 3 Pumpkin Breads
Bathing Bear, 150 exp, 2500 coins
Quest 2: Bubble Bath Day Part 2
Get 8 Rubber Duckies
Harvest 90 Peanuts
Harvest time: 16 Hours
Craft 3 Garlic Vinegars
Book of XP, 200 exp, 3000 coins
Quest 3: Bubble Bath Day Part 3
Get 9 Scrubbers
Harvest 120 Celery
Harvest time: 24 Hours
Craft 3 Vita Drinks
Turbo Charger, 250 exp, 3500 coins
Quest 4: Bubble Bath Day Part 4
Get 10 Bubble Bath
Harvest 150 Madder Root
Harvest time: 20 Hours
Craft 2 Herbal Lotions
Bubbly Hippo, 300 exp, 4000 coins
Quest 5: Bubble Bath Day Part 5
Get 10 Scented Oil
Harvest 180 Bubble Blossom
Harvest time: 24 Hours
Craft 2 Organic Mixed Veggie Salads
Unwither, 350 exp, 4500 coins
Quest 6: Bubble Bath Day Part 6
Get 11 Lavender Bathing Salt
Harvest 180 Gooseberries
Harvest time: 24 Hours
Craft 2 Fruit Punchs
Super Fertilizer, 400 exp, 5000 coins
Quest 7: Bubble Bath Day Part 7
Get 12 Submarine Toy
Harvest 200 Eggplants
Harvest time: 2 Days can be substituted with Mini Eggplant: 18 Hours
Craft 2 Lily Bath Bombs
Bubble House, 450 exp, 5500 coins
Quest 8: Bubble Bath Day Part 8
Get 13 Scented Candles
Harvest 220 Daffodils
Harvest time: 2 Days or can be substituted with Lilac Daffy
Craft 1 Organic Stem Latkes
Instagrow, 500 exp, 6000 coins
Quest 9: Bubble Bath Day Part 9
Get 14 Rose Petals
Harvest 240 Bubble Blossom
Harvest time: 24 Hours
Craft 2 Lily of the Valley Soaps
Bubble Suit Unicorn, 550 xp, 6500 coins