Come and celebrate the Veteran’s Day in Farmville Honor the Brave Quests. There’s will be a lot of things to do and Anne will be the one who will spearhead the celebration. There will be parades and events so gather around your friends and finish this mission early. There will 9 stage to complete and since this is an all farm quest, you can complete the tasks in any farm location you have.
Quests 1: Honor The Brave: Part 1
Get 7 Red Poppy
Harvest 60 Peanuts
Harvest time: 16 Hours
Craft 3 Daylily Perfume
Poppy Sheep, 125 exp, 2500 coins
Quests 2: Honor The Brave: Part 2
Get 8 Yellow Ribbon
Harvest 90 Coffee
Harvest time: 16 hours or can be substituted with Kona Coffe;Coffee-16 Hours
Craft 3 Garlic Vinegar
Book of XP, 150 exp, 3000 coins
Quests 3: Honor The Brave: Part 3
Get 9 Red White Blue Balloons
Harvest 120 Rye
Harvest time: 20 Hours
Craft 4 Black Licorice
Turbo Charger, 175 exp, 3000 coins
Quests 4: Honor The Brave: Part 4
Get 10 Thank You Card
Harvest 150 Chickpeas
Harvest time: 20 Hours
Craft 4 Petal Sachet
Patriotic Monkey, 200 exp, 3500 coins
Quests 5: Honor The Brave: Part 5
Get 10 American Flag
Harvest 180 Yellow Ribbon Blossoms
Harvest time: 24 Hours
Harvest Poppy Sheep 2 Times
Unwither, 225 exp, 4000 coins
Quests 6: Honor The Brave: Part 6
Get 11 Care Package Boxes
Harvest 180 Celery
Harvest time: 24 hrs
Craft 3 Dry Sake
Super Fertilizer, 250 exp, 4500 coins
Quests 7: Honor The Brave: Part 7
Get 12 Kid’s Parade Cart
Harvest 200 Eggplants
Harvest time: 48 Hours can be substituted with Mini eggplant – 18 hrs
Craft 3 Lily Bath Bomb
Freedom Flight, 275 exp, 5000 coins
Quests 8: Honor The Brave: Part 8
Get 13 Patriotic Treats
Harvest 220 Broccoli
Harvest time: 48 Hours
Craft 4 Mocha Blackberry Cake
Instagrow, 300 exp, 5500 coins
Quests 9: Honor The Brave: Part 9
Get 14 Red Blue White Wreath
Master Yellow Ribbon Blossoms to 1 Star
Harvest Patriotic Monkey 5 Times
Proud Pegasus, 325 exp, 6000 coins
Somethings wrong with part 6.