The 4th chapter of Australia Quests is coming our way in Farmville Knock on the Door Quests. We will busy once again in Australia farm as we try to complete this 6 tasks that will test our patience and strategy. Patience, in waiting and collecting bushels for the crafting. Strategy, on when to plant the crops that will fit our gaming time schedule when it is time to harvest.
Quests 1: Farmville Knock On The Door
Get 6 Door Knobs
Harvest 30 Kutjera Tomato
- Harvest in 1 day
Harvest Daydream Island 2 Times
Coopers Treehouse, 150 XP, 190 AP, 3000 coins
Quests 2: Farmville Hiding Spots!
Get 8 Secret Keys
Harvest 40 Australian Cotton
- Harvest in 12 hours
Make Bush Bread
Secret Key Tree, 200 XP, 200 AP, 3500 coins
Quests 3: Farmville Here at the Hideaway!
Get 8 Underbrush Ferns
Harvest 50 Australian Sugar Cane
- Harvest in 2 days
Make Vegespread
Fern Kangaroo, 250 XP, 210 AP, 4000 coins
Quests 4: Farmville Intruders!
Get 8 Bandit Masks
Harvest 60 Australian Pineapple
- Harvest in 14 hours
Harvest Fern Kangaroo
- Harvest in Wildlife Pen
Bandit Opossum, 300 XP, 220 AP, 4500 coins
Quests 5: Farmville Flynn Returns
Get 9 Hidden Garden Archways
Harvest 70 Australian Purple Pepper
- Harvest in 14 hours
Master Fern Kangaroo
- Harvest in Wildlife Pen
Hidden Garden Tree, 350 XP, 230 AP, 5000 coins
Quests 6: Farmville Gifts for Brody
Get 10 Lorikeet Feathers
Harvest 85 Semillon Grape
- Harvest in 20 hours
Master Bandit Oppossum to 1 Star
Lorikeet Unicorn, 400 xp, 240 ap, 5500 coins