Find out what will happen to our hero in space farm in this week Farmville Mission: Im-Brax-tical Quest. Our heroes adventure continues in a colloidal collision as they finally find a way on stopping the Sloog. The Chapter 7 of Farmville Celestial Pastures Quests will start this Monday, July 22 and will end around noon of July 29 .
Quest 1: Farmville Mission: Im-Brax-tical
Get 7 Night Vision Viewscopes
Harvest 100 Sun Dipped Pepper
- Harvest time 20 hours
Harvest Space Ship 2 Times
Picadillo, 2 Celestial Crystals, 150 exp, 370 cosmic points 3000 coins
Quest 2: Farmville Sneaker Doodles
Get 8 Silent Shoes
Harvest 140 Star Puff Cotton
- Harvest time 12 hours
Harvest Picadillo 2 Times
- Harvest in the Pet Run
Koi Scaled Cow, 2 Astro Saplings, 200 exp, 380 cosmic points 3500 coins
Quest 3: Farmville It’s Go Time!
Get 9 Synchronized Watches
Harvest 170 Ooval Tomato
- Harvest time 10 hours
Make 2 Portal Windows
- Make this in the Craftshop
Plumicorn, 2 Floaty Spore, 250 exp, 390 cosmic points 4000 coins
Quest 4: Farmville Stop, Crop, and Growl
Get 9 Stop Signs
Harvest 200 Violet Vein Spinach
- Harvest time 14 hours
Master Picadillo to 1 Star
Traffic Light Tree, 2 Celestial Crystals, 300 exp, 400 cosmic points 4500 coins
Quest 5: Farmville Proof of the Pudding
Get 10 Video Archives
Harvest 240 Solar Flare Bean
- Harvest time 1 day
Make Any 2 Recipes Using the Knitter
Hologram Robot, 2 Astro Saplings, 350 exp, 410 cosmic points 5000 coins
Quest 6: Farmville To Forgive Deslime
Get 12 Slimy Hugs
Harvest 280 Dazzlers
- Harvest time 2 days
Make 2 Ooval Tomato Aspic
Space Alien Bear, 2 Floaty Spore, 400 exp, 420 cosmic points 5500 coins