Farmville On the Trail Quests Guide

Farmville On the Trail Quests

Join Cooper in the the latest installment of Australia Quest in Farmville On the Trail Quests. Take the challenge of completing all six stage to win rewards. We have gathered all the information for the quest. Listed all the crops that will be needed to fulfill certain stage. This guide will help you to see what is to be asked and needed and prepare it ahead.


Quests 1: Farmville On the Trail!


Get 6 Tire Tracks

Harvest 200 Australian Wheat

  • Harvest in 4 hours

Harvest Australia Vineyard


Vineyard Bloodhound Puppy

Vineyard Bloodhound Puppy, 2x White Sand, 150 exp, 430 AP, 3000 Coins


Quests 2: Farmville Apologies


Get 8 Apology Letters

Harvest 225 Canola

  • Harvest in 12 hours

Harvest Vineyard Bloodhound Puppy Two Times

  • Harvest in Pet Run


Flower Cluster Tree

Flower Cluster Tree, 2x Volcanic Rock, 200 exp, 440 AP, 3500 Coins


Quests 3: Farmville Kickstart the Winery!


Get 8 Vine Posts

Harvest 250 Semillon Grapes

  • Harvest in 20 hours

Make Canola Oil


Grape Vine Tree

Grape Vine Tree, 2x Blue Seawater, 250 exp, 450 AP, 4000 Coins


Quests 4: Farmville Helping the Koala


Get 8 Mop and Buckets

Harvest 275 Shiraz Grape

  • Harvest in 20 hours

Master Vineyard Bloodhound Puppy


Cleaning Gnome

Cleaning Gnome, 2x White Sand, 300 exp, 460 AP, 4500 Coins


Quests 5: Farmville The Setup


Get 9 Vitner Aprons

Harvest 300 Australian Sugar Cane

  • Harvest in 2 days

Make Shiraz Wine


Winery Cooper

Winery Cooper, 2x Volcanic Rock, 350 exp, 470 AP, 5000 Coins


Quests 6: Farmville Cooper’s Plan


Get 10 Spiral Vines

Harvest 325 Australian Purple Pepper

  • Harvest in 1 day

Make Bush Bread Two Times


Bacchus Pegacorn

Bacchus Pegacorn, 2x Blue Seawater, 400 exp, 480 AP, 5500 Coins


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