Farmville: Treasure Tide Quests 3

Treasure Tides Quest 3

Farmville and Zynga is adding a new Treasure Tide mission into the game. You can now prepare to work with Farmville Skeleton Crew with the following 6 stages. They are farm exclusive which means you can carry them only at Treasure Tide farm. The quests will be available from June 22 and will end on June 29.

Quests 1: Skeleton Crew: Part 1


Get 7 Lanyard

Harvest 80 Floral Blush
Harvest time: 30 Mins

Craft 4 Treasure Chests


Dockside Fence

Dockside Fence, 150 xp, 3000 coins


Quests 2: Skeleton Crew: Part 2


Get 8 Capstan

Harvest 120 Pirate’s Prism
Harvest time: 10 Mins

Craft 4 Pirates Concoction


Tree o’ War

Tree o’ War, 200 xp, 3500 coins


Quests 3: Skeleton Crew: Part 3


Get 9 Mariner’s Astrolabe

Harvest 80 Toxic Apple
Harvest time: 6 Hours

Craft 2 Ships in a bottle


Privateer Greyhound

Privateer Greyhound, 250 exp, 4000 coins


Quests 4: Skeleton Crew: Part 4


Get 9 Hardtack

Harvest 120 Tiarelli
Harvest time: 4 Hours

Craft 3 Barge Anchors


Fisher Horse

Fisher Horse, 300 exp, 4500 coins


Quests 5: Skeleton Crew: Part 5


Get 10 Bumboo

Harvest 140 Glow Coral
Harvest time: 14 Hours

Craft 3 Cannon Balls


Barbary Corsair Pegasus

Barbary Corsair Pegasus, 350 exp, 5000 coins


Quests 6: Skeleton Crew: Part 6


Get 12 Star Charts

Harvest 160 Kraken Bloom
Harvest time: 24 Hours

Craft 2 Peacock Quill


Ottoman Trader Horse

Ottoman Trader Horse, 400 exp, 5500 coins

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