Help Givoanni with his new discovery in Castleville There Can Only Be One Answer Quests. It’s a new 7 part mission that will be released next and will feature a new area in your kingdom. Find out more as we present this preview complete with tips. Quests 1: Castleville One for One Tasks: Expand to […]
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Posts tagged with 'Castleville Giovanni’s Quest'
Castleville Aerial Architecture Quests Guide
Giovanni has a new invention that he will introduced on Castleville Aerial Architecture Quests. Find out what it is and what benefits it will be for your kingdom in this 7 stage Castleville Quests. Prepare the materials and help your neighbors in building the Thinking Pod. Here are the rest of the tasks list: […]
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Castleville A Tale Of Two Alastairs Quests Guide
Another Alastair has manifested inside his head in Castleville A Tale of Two Alastair Quests. Help Giovanni in this 5 part Castleville Quests to cure Alastair with his dilemma. We will be needing some Temper Trap Spell in this quests so better prepare ahead the materials that we will be needing to make this. […]
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Castleville Giovanni’s Machine Mission Text Guide
Castleville Giovanni’s Machine Mission (Text Guide and Printable Version) Castleville has just release the Giovanni’s Machine Mission. It has 9 part and players can now perform the following task: An Obvious Observation, Far Far Away, The Perfect Place, The Moment of Truth, A Well-Rested Mind, Expanding the Experiment, The Moment of Truth Again, A Beastie […]
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