There’s trouble at the Library in Castleville Books Gone Wild Quests and Sal will need our help to investigate what causing the trouble. This is the latest Castleville Quests which is expected to be release this week. It will feature 8 mission where players will be building the Statue of Wisdom and haunting for some […]
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Posts tagged with 'Castleville Sal Quest'
Castleville The Unicorn Pen Quests Guide
It’s finally here! Castleville Unicorn Pen will finally arrived in this Castleville Quests. The Unicorn Pen can hold up to 30 Unicorns. Finish building it with the help of your friends. So prepare ahead the materials that will be needed because there will be some crafting in this quest. Quest 1: Castleville Sleepers [alert […]
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Castleville Merchant Visits Quests Guide
Welcome the arrival of a traveler named Abud with a camel named Michael in Castleville Merchant Visits Quests. Follow their journey as they meet Sal in this 8 part mission. Discover what is the real background of Abud and what are his intentions in your Kingdom. Find out more here on this new Castleville Quests. […]
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Castleville Sal’s Lost Collection Quests Guide
Build the new Relic Gallery in Castleville Sal’s Lost Collection. You might need some of your friends for help on this one for you will need parts to complete this building. Once completed it can be upgraded to improve it’s usefulness. This Castleville quests will have 9 missions and it will feature Sal and Master […]
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Castleville Phoenix Rising Quests Guide
Castleville Phoenix Rising Quests Castleville take flight with Phoenix has just been released! Players will now have the chance to complete the Castleville Phoenix Rising Quests. Sal will be hosting this one as we will be using our spell book once again and start crafting several spells including the Sunripen Spell and Falling Star Spell. […]
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