Farmville Blue Sea Smiling at Me Quests Guide

Get ready for another Mediterranean Rivera Quest this Monday as we are set to do the Farmville Blue Sea Smiling at Me Quests. There will be six stage to complete and each stage will have a series of 3 tasks. If a player completes a stage a reward will be given. Just prepare the bushels […]
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Farmville Gimme Five!: Part 1 Quest Guide

Prepare for another round of Farmville Quests this Thursday. A brand new limited time quests the Farmville Gimme Five will start and players will be working with the this quests in any farm location they chooses. Yes since this is a regular quests, you may choose which farm to carry out the tasks which includes […]
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Farmville Besties with Bunnies: Part 1 Quest Guide

Get ready for another round of Farmville Quests this Thursday with Farmville Besties with Bunnies: Part 1 Quests. This is a new regular limited quest from FarmVille and it will have the usual 9 stage mission. On this mission, players will be challenge to craft recipes and plant crops that has different harvest time. So […]
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Farmville A Dizzying Arrival Quests Guide

Prepare for another round of Farmville Emerald Valley Chapter 8 Quests. This time it will start with Farmville A Dizzying Arrival as the group of Scarecrow, Tinman and Witch is waiting for the arrival of Dorothy who happens to be planning in making her return to the Emerald Valley. There will be 6 stage with […]
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Farmville In Character Quests Guide

Farmville is opening a new farm extension this Monday which features the Mediterranean Riviera. And for it’s opening day it will it’s first mission the Farmville In Character. Just a reminder that this will be for early access stage only which means only players who will buy the Mediterranean Riviera pass will have access to […]
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