Have a fun filled mission with Farmville Tell A Story Day Quests. In this guide you will find all the information you will need on how to complete this quests. We will walk you through this 9 stage mission. You can preview all that tasks here for these stages so that you can plan and […]
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Posts tagged with 'Farmville April 2016 Quests'
Farmville Story of Sakura Quests 7 Guide
We are here to help you complete the Farmville Story of Sakura Quests 7 with this guide. In it you will find all the information you will need about this mission. You can see ahead the tasks for each stage and prepare for it. You can pla ahead on which crop to plant and bushels […]
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Farmville: Earth Day Quests Guide
Here you can find the complete guide for the FarmvilleĀ Earth Day Quests that will start Thursday. In it you will see all the tasks for each stage. You can prepare and plan the best possible approach in completing them. You can see every stage of the quests before you even receive it. TheĀ Earth Day Quests […]
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Farmville: Story of Sakura Quests 6 Guide
This is the guide for the Farmville: Story of Sakura Quests 6 that will start on Monday. Here you will find a detailed walkthrough and complete information on the different tasks you will be ask to do for each stage. We will give you an idea on how to plan and prepare the materials you […]
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Farmville: Patriot’s Day Quests Guide
Hey Farmer, Farmville Patriot’s Day is around the corner again and we are here to show you some useful tips in completing this mission. In this guide, we will show you a preview of every stage stage of the quests. You will be informed on what tasks you will need to complete and prepare for […]
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