Farmville 2: Wedding Advice Quest Guide

Get ready to help Marie as she is preparing for a wedding event in Farmville 2 Wedding Advice Quests. This Farmville 2 Quests consists of 8 stage where each stage will have three tasks. You will need to assist Marie in hosting the wedding ceremony by giving her advice on what to do especially with […]
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Castleville When Inspiration Strikes Quests Guide

Carnival will be arriving in Castleville When Inspiration Strikes Quests once again. Izadora will be arriving in your kingdom and you will help to fill the Carnival Spirits. This short 5 mission Castleville quest will require some crafting including Jester Hats, Geometric Necklaces, and Horse Charm Bracelet.   Quest 1: Castleville Jest a Minute [alert […]
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